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MythQuest Writing Workshops

Engage The Past

MythQuest Writing Workshops inspire students to produce imaginative writing using the adventures of mythology as inspiration. They also ask students to share their writing, building confidence and planting the seeds of effective public speaking.

MythQuest workshops are offered at three grade levels:

Grades 2 - 5: Myths and Monsters

Focusing on the adventures of Greek and Roman heroes, students hear inspiring stories about overcoming challenges and solving difficult problems.

Grades 6 - 8: The Hero's Quest

This program introduces students to ideas that surround identity and the search for meaning. The conflicts of obedience versus rebellion, generosity versus greed, and love versus jealousy are explored in a fun atmosphere.

Grades 9 & 10: Demons and Goddesses

Students are introduced to the themes of greed and self-love, and how they conflict with efforts to achieve harmony and personal strength. Finding expression in the characters of Shakespeare and other authors, this program prepares students for complex life questions.
